With the continuing issues with the Coronavirus we are going to institute the following procedures:
The County is using the acronym for the Coronavirus is AFRI. This stands for Acute Febrile Respiratory Illness. What this means is that when questioning a person claiming illness it was determined that the patient traveled recently to a foreign Country or was exposed to somebody that had traveled and have flu-like symptoms. These initials will be in the notes field of the call. Use your situational awareness and pay attention to the County, Police, EMS, and anybody else that is on high alert to protect yourselves.
Narberth Ambulance does have the correct protective equipment and will respond to any call that we feel it necessary to provide our crew with the appropriate equipment so that we can provide assistance at that call.
- Wash your hands with warm soapy water
- Stay home if you’re not feeling well and follow the COVID-19 reporting guidelines issued by the CDC. We can not afford to have the whole company sick – Stay home if you are even remotely sick or feel compromised.
- When responding to any call where there is any suspicion of an AFRI patient or building (through county CAD notes or the homeowner telling you upon getting inside). Do NOT enter the house or get within 6 feet of the patient and immediately dispatch Narberth Ambulance to assist at the scene. They will be bringing the proper protective equipment to the scene so that we can outfit a limited crew to deal with the issue at the scene. This would be for non-life threatening / non-active fire type calls.
4. If we respond to a call where there are life-threatening issues or active fire in a AFRI suspected patient or building, Full protective turn out gear with SCBA will be utilized to affect life-saving initiatives or firefighting duties. Firefighters will be decontaminated at the end of the call or evolution.
The ultimate goal is not to have any of our members be exposed to COVID-19.
Again – if you are sick or think that you may have any contact with someone with Corona Virus, we ask that you notify the Chief and not respond to fire calls. Please ensure that you continue to practice proper hygiene and the regular washing of hands.
Any questions, please ask